Strasser Pigeon

Strasser Pigeon

The Strasser pigeon is a beautiful breed of fancy pigeon from Austria. It was developed over many years of selective breeding. Like many other breeds of domesticated pigeon, this breed and all other breeds are descendants from the rock pigeon. The breed is also used for utility purposes apart from exhibition at pigeon show. Read more information about the breed below.
The Strasser pigeon is a medium to large sized breed with colored head, neck and wings. Their tail also has colored feathers on the back. Their body is usually of white color, and coloration of the color parts of their body include black lace, blue, blue barred, lark, black or white barred, red, yellow or blue checkered. They have many similarities with the Modena and King pigeon. But they are shorter height than both Modena and King pigeon. Their appearance is just like a small hen, and they are very cute and innocent.
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Eyes of the Strasser pigeon are usually of black color with a red colored ring covering it. Photo and info from Encyclopedia of Pigeon Breeds and Wikipedia


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