English Long-Faced Tumbler Pigeon

English Long-Faced Tumbler Pigeon

The English Long-Faced Tumbler pigeon is a breed of domestic fancy pigeon from United Kingdom. It is a popular breed and was developed over many years of selective breeding. This breed and other varieties of domesticated pigeons, all are descendants from the wild or feral rock pigeon. It is known by some other names such as English Long-Faced Tumbler clean leggedEnglish Long-Faced Tumbler muffedEnglish Long Face Clean Leg Tumbler and English Long Face Muff Tumbler. The breed was named for it’s ability to spin or tumble in the flight. This fascinating trait has been reported in domestic pigeon breeds for centuries and is believed to be a survival skill that these birds developed to evade aerial attacks by birds of prey. The English Long-Faced Tumbler pigeon is an excellent flyer breed, and is very popular around the world and has continued development particularly in the United States. Read some more information about this breed below.
The English Long-Faced Tumbler pigeon is a smaller sized breed of domestic pigeon. It has a long, thin and straight beak. It’s neck is long and thin. Breast of these birds is small and prominent. Their legs are usually long and thin. This breed is available in both clean legged and feathered legs varieties. It require foster parents for raising it’s young, mainly due to it’s short beak. The breed appears in many color varieties including dark blue-grey body,with lighter blue-grey breast,white belly,black wing and tail bars and strong violet sheen on neck.
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Average live body weight of the mature English Long-Faced Tumbler pigeon is between 270 and 300 grams. Photo and info from Wikipedia.


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