Chinese Owl Pigeon

Chinese Owl Pigeon

The Chinese Owl pigeon is a breed of domestic fancy pigeon. It is not actually from China, and developed over many years of selective breeding. The breed was probably originated from Spain or India. This breed and other varieties of domesticated pigeons, all are descendants from the wild or feral rock pigeon. The name “owl” comes from the idea that the rounded head and short beak work to form a circle. It is also known as Whiskered Owl Pigeon, and the breed is well known for it’s small size and profuse frilled feathers. However, today the Chinese Owl pigeon is available to breeders all over the world. Read some more information about this beautiful pigeon breed below.
The Chinese Owl pigeon is a small sized bird with very beautiful and uncommon appearance. It is an excellent show bird, mainly because of it’s fancy frilled feathers that are divided by a natural part on the breast. The feathers below the part are pointed down, increasing the impression of frilly fullness. And the feathers above the part are pointed up, to create the impression of a high collar, like the one seen on Dracula’s cape.

The Chinese Owl pigeon is actually noted for it’s very short beaks and rounded heads. The breed appears in many colors. And the common colors are black, blue/blue grey, barred, brown, ice, satinette blondinette, white, pied and white-black. Average body weight of the mature Chinese Owl pigeon is about 280 to 340 grams. Photo and info from RightPet, Pigeons Fall and Wikipedia.


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