
Schmalkalden Moorhead Pigeon

Schmalkalden Moorhead Pigeon The Schmalkalden Moorhead pigeon is a breed of domestic fancy pigeon from Germany. It has been developed over many years of selective breeding. It was originated from Germany, especially from Thuringia and the Saxon Erz mountains. The breed along with other domesticated pigeon breeds, all are descendants from the rock pigeon. Although, exact origins of the Schmalkalden Moorhead pigeon are unknown, but the breed was also called as  Mane Pigeon . Read some more information about this fancy pigeon breed below. Appearance Schmalkalden Moorhead pigeon is a small sized breed with arched head which somewhat high in the forehead. The eyes are dark and the beak is long and black on blacks and blues, flesh colored on reds and yellows. These birds have proportionally long neck. The feather structure starts it’s beginning from a more or less stamped out separation at the lower half of the sides of the neck. The feather from this separation extends forward, t...

Komorner Tumbler Pigeon

Komorner Tumbler Pigeon The Komorner Tumbler pigeon is a breed of fancy pigeon which was originated in 18-19th century in city Komárno in Austrian Empire (on the current Slovak-Hungarian border). It was developed over many years of selective breeding. The breed is also known by some other names such as  Komorn Tumbler , in Slovak  Komárnanský kotrmeliak  and in Hungarian  Komáromi bukó . The breed has European and American varieties that are recognized as separate pigeon breeds at shows with classes catering for  European Komorner Tumblers  and  American Komorner Tumblers . Today the Komorner Tumbler pigeon breed exist only for exhibition in pigeon shows, but it was originally bred for acrobatic flying as a Tumbler pigeon. The ancestors of this breed were imported by Ottoman Turks from eastern parts of the Ottoman Empire. It was imported into the United States in the late 1920s, and has grown in popularity since then. And in the year of 1...

Nun Pigeon

Nun Pigeon The Nun pigeon is a breed of domestic fancy pigeon which is also known as the  Dutch Shell Pigeon  in continental Europe. It was developed over many years of selective breeding. This breed along with other varieties of domesticated pigeons, all are descendants from the rock pigeon. It is one of the oldest pigeon breeds and was originally a flying tumbler before being developed for exhibition. Exact origins of this breed are unknown, but it resembles the Tumbler pigeons, from which it originated. The breed is named so mainly for the raised feathers which form a kind of hood which covers the back of the neck and head. Read some more information about the Nun pigeon breed below. Appearance The Nun pigeon is relatively a smaller sized breed, mostly with white bodies and is designated according to the color of their head. These birds can be black headed or a yellow headed Nun. Head, tail and the flight feathers are mainly colored. They have a d...

Serbian Highflyer Pigeon

Serbian Highflyer Pigeon The Serbian Highflyer pigeon is a breed of domestic pigeon from Serbia. It is a very beautiful breed which is bred for endurance flying. It was originally developed from the city of Belgrade, Serbia Yugoslavia. The breed is a pretty recent creation and is not mentioned by Wendell Levi in his text  The Pigeon . There are some evidence exists that indicate that the breed has descended from “The Illyrian Pigeon”. And this would make the Serbian Highflyer pigeon a relative of the  Archangel  which has a similar body type. The crest of the Serbian Highflyer pigeon is best described as ‘ spade ‘ shaped, while the crest of the Archangel come to a ‘ peak ‘. Currently the Serbian Highflyer pigeons are mainly maintained as a performance breed, and they are noted for their endurance and high flying abilities. Their flying skill and style is similar to the Tippler pigeon. Total population of this breed is many in it’s native area, but it’s pretty rar...

Brahma Chicken

Brahma Chicken Brahma chicken is actually an Asiatic chicken breed. It is among the large chicken breeds which was developed in the United States from very large breeds imported from the Chinese port of Shanghai. This breed was the principal meat  chicken  breed in the United States from the 1850s until about 1930. Nowadays, people raise Brahma chickens for both meat and egg production and also for ornamental purpose. There has been considerable controversy over the origin of the Brahma. Brahma chickens were the result of limited cross breeding with Chittagong chickens which gave the Brahma the distinctive characteristics of head shape and the pea comb, and another breed that derives from the Shanghai breeds. In December 1852, Brahmas were first exported to England. When George Burnham sent 9 Gray Shanghaes as a gift to Queen Victoria. From that stock, English breeders developed the Dark Brahma variety and later this breed were re-exported to the United States. The Ameri...

Indian Gola Pigeon

Indian Gola Pigeon The Indian Gola pigeon is a breed of domestic homing pigeon which has very good homing instinct. It is common in it’s native area but is pretty rare abroad. A little history of this breed was known before 1900. But it was referenced by Fazl (a pigeon fancier), whose words are recorded as early as 1590. The breed is a wild field pigeon of good tame disposition, and it was easily domesticated by the farmers and field workers in central and northern parts of India. The Indian Gola pigeons became a very valuable and economical addition to each farmstead of that area. These birds would range out gathering grain spilled from the harvest as well as wild seeds during the daylight hours. And they usually return to their roosting sheds in the evening. However, read some more information about the Indian Gola pigeon breed below. Appearance The Indian Gola pigeon is a smaller sized pigeon breed. It has red eyes and can appear in many colors and patterns. Average live ...

Best Egg Laying Chickens For Beginners

Best Egg Laying Chickens For Beginners Nowadays most of the people in urban and rural areas want to raise some egg laying chickens on their own backyard for the purpose of producing some fresh and organic eggs. If you have decided to raise some chickens too for getting some fresh and organic eggs for your daily family consumption, you have to start with some best egg laying chickens. Start out with easy keepers until you get the hang of caring for poultry. As a beginner, you have to choose relatively docile, healthy and productive breeds that can produce adequate amounts of eggs for your daily family needs. Here we are describing about some best egg laying chickens for beginners. Choosing Breeds Discuss with your family members about exactly what size of chickens and eggs are suitable for you before choosing your fist chicken breed. People of urban areas don’t like noisy and large breeds. Because this type of breeds causes some problems and sometimes those birds will draw compla...

German Beauty Homer Pigeon

German Beauty Homer Pigeon The German Beauty Homer pigeon is a breed of domestic fancy pigeon from Germany. It was developed over many years of selective breed, from German racing pigeons. It was first developed around one hundred years ago in the early 1900s. It was created by the pigeon fanciers who were as interested in the form and beauty of the bird as it’s flying ability. It was first called  Schonheitsbrieftaube  or  Beauty Racing Homer  and then  Deutsche Schautaube  or  German Show Pigeon . The Germans out crossed to the show Antwerp and the Show Homer. However, read some more information about the German Beauty Homer pigeon below. Appearance German Beauty Homer pigeon is a medium-sized bird with horizontal carriage. It has a long neck and the breed is most noted for it’s semi-circular head and it’s strong beak with a lower mandible almost as large as the upper. It’s neck is long but thinner. The tail is relatively long and horizontal, ...

Chinese Owl Pigeon

Chinese Owl Pigeon The Chinese Owl pigeon is a breed of domestic fancy pigeon. It is not actually from China, and developed over many years of selective breeding. The breed was probably originated from Spain or India. This breed and other varieties of domesticated pigeons, all are descendants from the wild or feral  rock pigeon . The name “owl” comes from the idea that the rounded head and short beak work to form a circle. It is also known as  Whiskered Owl Pigeon , and the breed is well known for it’s small size and profuse frilled feathers. However, today the Chinese Owl pigeon is available to breeders all over the world. Read some more information about this beautiful pigeon breed below. Appearance The Chinese Owl pigeon is a small sized bird with very beautiful and uncommon appearance. It is an excellent show bird, mainly because of it’s fancy frilled feathers that are divided by a natural part on the breast. The feathers below the part are pointed down, i...

Danzig Highflyer Pigeon

Danzig Highflyer Pigeon The Danzig Highflyer pigeon is a breed of domestic fancy pigeon from Poland. It was originated from Poland, and was actually developed over many years of selective breeding. This breed and other varieties of domesticated pigeons, all are descendants from the wild or feral rock pigeon. It is thought that the breed has it’s origin in the vicinity of Danzig (now Gdansk) in 1807. Other sources point to the ancient province of Galicia-Poland. Today the Danzig Highflyer pigeon is raised for both show and flying. Read some more information about this breed below. Appearance Danzig Highflyer pigeon is an average sized bird with very beautiful appearance. It has a very beautiful crest over it’s head. Eyes of these birds are very beautiful and the beak is of medium length. There are two major varieties of this pigeon breed. One is bred for show or exhibition, and another is used for raising as pets and for flying. Photo and info from Wikipedia.

Australian Performing Tumbler Pigeon

Australian Performing Tumbler Pigeon The Australian Performing Tumbler pigeon is a breed of domestic fancy pigeon. As the name suggests, the breed is from Australia and was developed through selective breeding from original  Tumbler Pigeon  stocks. It has been a popular flying variety in the past due to the rolling action, typical to the Tumbler varieties. Earlier versions of these birds were quite good little performers in the air. Wendell Levi discusses the tumbling performance and several early Tumbler breeds in his book  The Pigeon . But today the breed is maintained mainly for exhibition purpose. And the breed was first developed for the show pen in the State of New South Wales, Australia. Currently the Australian Performing Tumbler pigeon is a very popular show breed in the Australian States of Queensland and New South Wales. And largest number of this breed can be found in these areas. A show standard was adopted by the Australian National Pigeon Association ...

Old Dutch Capuchine Pigeon

Old Dutch Capuchine Pigeon The Old Dutch Capuchine pigeon is a breed of domestic fancy pigeon from Netherlands. It is one of the older  pigeon breeds  which was developed over many years of selective breeding. The breed is likely dates back to the Middle East, Greece or  India  for its origins. The Dutch sailors probably brought the Capuchines back to Holland no later than the 1500s by Dutch sailors. We know of its presence in Holland in the 1500’s by its depiction in several of the Dutch Masters works of art. The breed was imported into the United States in the 1960s. Currently it is available in it’s native area and some other countries, but it’s considered as pretty rare breed. Read some more information about this beautiful bird below. Appearance Old Dutch Capuchine pigeon is a small to medium sized bird and it’s body is desirably carried horizontally. These birds have well rounded head which is broad enough at the back to be fit for a broad hood. Their ...

Helmet Pigeon

Helmet Pigeon The Helmet pigeon is an old breed of domestic fancy pigeon which was developed over many years of selective breeding. Exact origins of this breed are unknown. But it was originated most likely in Persia. It has been referenced since the 15th century and appear to have origins in Germany. With some people claiming that the breed has been in existence for over 500 years. The breed has been well documented since the late 1700s. Although the original Helmet pigeons were actually a tumbling breed. Modern varieties were refined in the later 20th century. The Helmets and other varieties of domesticated pigeons, all are descendants from the wild or feral  rock pigeon . It appears to have been identical in early days with the  Nun pigeon , except the Nun and colored flights and a crest. The Helmet pigeon is named so from the colored cap on it’s head which resembles a helmet. It is also known by some other names such as  Helmet Crested Pigeon  and  Ger...

French Mondain Pigeon

French Mondain Pigeon The French Mondain pigeon is a breed of domestic fancy pigeon from France. It is a utility breed and was developed over many years of selective breeding. This breed and all other varieties of domesticated pigeons, all are descendants from the wild or feral  rock pigeon . Read some more information about this breed below. Appearance French Mondain pigeon is a large breed with impressive, well-rounded body. These birds have broad body and boxy looking. If seen from the above, they have a tapered look from the wide shoulders to the neat and trim tail. Average body height of the French Mondain pigeon is about 40 cm. And live body weight of the mature birds is between 850 and 1130 grams. Photo and info from RightPet and Wikipedia. Uses The French Mondain pigeon is mainly bred as a utility breed. These birds are excellent for meat production.